Arrive Too Early
The train arrives at the station way too early People still stay in their deep sleep for the time being I am already awaken from my sleep after reaching the destination Going to the mosque corner to keep myself away from morning coldness Even the earliest animal hasn’t waken up yet I close my eyes for minutes in hoping it to leave the dawn Morning comes and the sun rises Hello station in the morning, Magelang I’m coming.. After having...

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Hey, old number
Hey, it’s been more than two weeks since I can’t access you It’s still heartbreaking for me to lose you this way when yesterday the costumer service told me I can’t use you anymore You’ll be re-created and used by another person I don’t know If only I realize and take care of you earlier, you would never go away If only I go to training after fixing you, I can still have you If only I don’t forget the...

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Selamat Tinggal
   Sepuluh tahun itu bukan waktu yang sebentar sebenarnya, rasa tak ikhlas sudah pasti ada ketika nomor hape yang sekian lama kupakai harus hangus karena kecerobohan yang tak disengaja. Ya, setelah sekian lama ditinggalkan untuk prajab nomor hapeku hangus karena tak pernah digunakan. Sayang sih tapi mau gimana lagi aku mah ga bisa apa - apa. Semoga nanti nomor hape barunya lebih bermanfaat lah ya, nomor yang lama saksi jaman pubertas sampai dewasa harus pergi begitu saja. Kedengarannya emang lebay,...

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Prajab Dumang (Dua Magelang) 2015
   Jadwal prajab keluar adalah oase di padang tandusnya keseharian magang yang kulalui di kantor. Akhirnya ada yang baru nih, ada maen – maennya juga, eh dapet di Magelang pula. Rejeki anak baru penyakitan tipus nih dapet deket, padahal berharapnya ke Jakarta aja biar bisa mampir ke tempat temen – temen yang sekian lamanya ga ditemui. Prepare segala perlengkapan seringkasnya dan tadaa satu carrier siap membawa cerita prajabku segera.    Dianter bapak sampe asrama, ditinggal dan hola holo, maen dari...

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Anggi’s Sick Diary
Arriving home as usual, after my daily routine from the office *read: jobless*, and doing everything like I used to. I never had such feeling that I will fall sick this easily. One fine Wednesday I suddenly fall sick after having a fever. I can't walk properly, vomit like I'll end my day just like that. I'm alive and grateful, untul today. It's been a week since the day I fall sick. I dont go to office for a week,...

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Borobudur Rainy Wedding
   Hujan di Sabtu pagi nyaris berhasil membuatku meringkuk lagi. Untung ingat hari ini ada dua kondangan yang sudah dengan positif akan dihadiri dan keduanya di lokasi yang tak jauh dari Candi Borobudur, yey! Sudah sejam sebelum pergi aku menyiapkan baju dan berdandan, belajar lebih wanita lah ya kondangan udah sering harus udah bisa dandan sendiri seadanya. Berangkatlah aku dan Handayani yang sudah janjian dengan Agung di pom bensin Menowo, dan hujan pun semakin deras ketika perjalanan kami mendekati alun...

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Happy Mailbox
   After waiting for more than two months, patiently and finally get tired. I’ve done the things I could to check where are my letters and postcards, going to the post office, reporting to the postindonesia website and finally decided to give up. I could be happier than finding these 5 things in my mailbox. After working overtime and arrive home, my dad told me that there are incoming letters. I burst into tears :”) Finally I get them HAHAHA...

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Incoming Postcards on April last minutes
There are 3 postcards I received from my postcrossing fellas and another two are from my penpal  last night. Those postcards came from Netherlands, Ceska, and Rusia. At first I thought that they were the postcards that my penpals sent months ago. I thought it would be Turkey, Germany, China or another country that previously asking for my confirmation about the letter. Sadly, they havent arrived in my mailbox, dear. I'm so sorry. I am still waiting until today. Ceska...

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Achieving Dream
 Achieving dreams may be hard for many people, me too. I even failed to reach my childhood dream for being a doctor and singer. As the time goes by, I’m okay and cool with those failure, seems like there’s more that come to me as I cross the different path until today. I soon become a tax officer, civil servant job which I never imagine. There are some parts of the things I call dream, my dream to study abroad...

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Danau T€man Hidup
Namanya Danau Taman Hidup, tapi aku sengaja menyebutnya Danau Teman Hidup. Menemukan danau ini butuh berhari hari perjalanan dan camp, bukannya lebay tapi begitulah adanya. Konon katanya danau ini indah saat tak berselimut kabut seperti saat kami datangi. Di tempat ini rusa, monyet dan berbagai jenis binatang sering datang untuk minum, tapi tak kami temui sesuai harap Hanya suara monyet monyet berkelahi yang tak kami temui wujudnya di sana, kabut pun mulai turun ketika kami sampai. Sudah hampir enam bulan...

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