Happy 3rd Anniversary STAPALA 2012
   Halo 2012, tiga tahun sudah waktu berlalu meninggalkanmu. Rasanya baru kemarin aku mengalami banyak peristiwa sepanjang 365 harimu di hidupku, rasanya baru kemarin aku menggigil kedinginan di malam hari diklat di Kencana Luhur, rasanya baru kemarin bau belerang Kawah Ratu menyengat hidung di sela – sela pelantikan STAPALA 2012. Tepat tiga tahun yang lalu, 22 April 2012 kami ber 36 dilantik menjadi anggota baru organisasi pecinta alam kampus yang namanya STAPALA. Tahun 2013 kami ikut ke pelantikan anggota baru...

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Kapan kawin?
“ Kapan kawin? Atau kapan nikah?” pertanyaan yang seringkali mulai akrab di telinga, ditambah teman seumuran mulai mengakhiri masa lajangnya, kesendirianku ini agaknya dipandang semacam sebuah dosa oleh sebagian orang. Atau mungkin aib,umur 23 kok belum nikah. Tergelitik dengan kalimat itu lagi – lagi postinganku mungkin agak berbau curhat dan yang dibahas tentang jodoh, bukan karena galau sebenarnya. Fase galauku sudah lewat tiga tahun lalu hahaha. Melewati masa kuliah, transisi dari dunia pengangguran dan masuk dunia kerja, galau galau bukan...

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Surat Cinta untuk Fita
Hai Fita, apa kabarmu di alam sana? Sudahkah kamu tenang setelah meninggalkan dunia? Semoga tempat terbaik telah kaudapat di sisi- Nya Surat ini memang tak akan pernah sampai dan terbaca olehmu yang jauh di sana Aku hanya ingin mengingatmu dalam tulisan yang sederhana Sudah sebelas tahun berlalu semenjak kau tiada Hidup orang di sekitarmu terus berjalan Rasanya baru kemarin aku mengenalmu, belajar dan berbincang tentang banyak hal Kita bertemu di usia yang masih muda kanak - kanak yang masih senang...

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My Very Free Time
   Having too many workload to do? You run out of time. Having no work to do? The time feels too long to get through and making yourself confused of the daily activities to do. The second one is my current condition nowadays. I'm in the Internal Inspection section of this office. Guess what? Almost no duty to do, almost all time free, almost going crazy for not knowing what to do. I've been in this section since the middle...

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The suckest relationship ever, it is.. The line between friendship and such relationship becomes blurred When you're in the zone, its quite confusing Being too close as If it were serious and compromising, but the reality after that is the opposite Having too many sharing moments and doing many activities together may lead you to this misunderstanding.. One thinks it's just that we are good friends and being great together, but one may thinks it's more.. Sometimes we are unaware...

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Serba Salah Jadi Alumni STAN, Pegawai Pajak
   Jadi pegawai pajak? Bukan cita – cita tapi adalah realita yang sekarang kualami. Setelah kuliah di kampus yang sering dikaitkan sama alumni yang terjerat kasus pajak dan mendadak makin tenar, setiap mahasiswa yang kuliah di sana selalu dikaitkan dengan skandal kasusnya bang Gayus. Yakali satu almamater isinya orang korup semua, mikir bro mikir. Di tempat isinya orang jahat aja pasti ada yang jiwanya masih manusiawi dikit, apalagi ini kampus yang masuknya aja saingannya ratusan rebu dan susah dan di...

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I Realize
Listening and giving a thought of Maher Zain's song " For The Rest of My Life" which tells a song from a husband to her wife, I realize some important lessons to take.. As a girl who never give a good thought of marriage, it would be great If I'd be waken up from the reality when I meet my man someday in the future. Giving a thought of it I just have no idea which one will lead me...

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Zdravstvuyte, Russia
Waking up from such hectic end of March which makes us work overnight for the las 4 days of this month, hearing a good news from my postcard is good. It's from Anna in Russia, my travelling postcard arrived after travelling 8.482 km in 43 days. Wow, daebak, it's more than one month and arrive safely. Well, I plan to go to post office by this Saturday. I'm going to ask where my postcards are. Ah, God, why is the...

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Dear My Future Husband
Dear My Future Husband Whoever you are, I’d like to tell you how rough my way to go to you before I’m grateful that I finally find you I can’t describe the happiness I have when I finally meet you It’s been always hard for me to get to you I’m sorry for being picky all this time, That it takes long time to take me to you I’m sorry that I was a girl who never have a good...

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There’s a moment
   There’s a moment when I’m getting bored of the things happen in my current daily activities. There’s a moment when I’m too lazy to do anything and just wanna spend the whole day to sleep and being a moveless person, especially when it’s weekend. I’ ve spend the 5 days to go working (or you can call it pre-working) and only doing this and that. I come to work at 7.30 and go home at 5 pm, get home...

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