The Happy Magelang FloweRun 2015
  Knowing this event will be held and already bought the tickets since December, our geng 533 is going to Magelang FloweRun today, February 8th 2015. I come along with my junior high friend, Ervi who has plan with her friend. Swasti is the earliest member to arrive, daebak 05.30 she’s already here hahaha. While the last to arrive are Temanggungers, Atri, Soniya and Restu. Already missed the first opening crowd full of throwing colour, we get in the line...

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Good News from Germany ~
   Waking up a bit late, having sorethroat hurting me, it feels like today gonna be a bad day. But, I'm wrong. Opening message and email I received this morning, such a happy news to hear that my first postcard to sent has reached its destination after travelling 11.460 km in 39 days! Whoaaa, And it has reached the destination in Germany, my dream country since I was kid. Thanks God, Mrs Cora willing to accept my shabby postcard hihihi....

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My Pen Friends Around The World
   Not really sure how I start first in this snailmailing things, got some foreign friends to write each other letter. And I'm really happy doing this thing, can't wait the news from them receiving my outgoing mails, and getting the mails from them. I started in December 2014 for the postcrossing thing, and I don't quite remember first chatting and agreeing to be penfriends with these people. I was really excited and I still am. I wrote several letter...

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City That Never Sleep
    This city I used to live in, not in the city actually but in the suburb that makes me miss all of the things over and over.  I used to go here and there, in the city that never sleep, Jakarta. I miss my way to go to work, for awhile I get angry of all the annoying things. The other side, those are the things that remind me of everything. The guts to say, I hate that...

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My Travelling Postcards and Mails
    Missing the old times when I was still doing snailmailling with my cousin in Semarang, and my thirst of writing the post-office related things, I’m interested joining the postcrossing things. Signing up for free and doing the postcrossing since I submitted request to get the address of my card recipient, I finally get my sense of sending and receiving letter and postcard again. This account in postcross isn’t enough for me. I wanna have penpals too, and get...

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Yang Membuatku Rindu Pendakian
Perjalanan dengan berjalan kaki yang jauh dalam kebersamaan Rintik rintik hujan yang sempat memporak porandakan kesenangan canda tawa dan kesantaian berjalan Muka – muka yang mulai kelelahan Keringat bercucuran dan nafas yang semakin terengah saat jarak mulai jauh dari peradaban Langkah terseok atau merangkak karena jalur yang licin tak karuan Tawa sakit dan perih tapi geli karena bergelimpangan jatuh tergelincir Canda tawa di sekeliling camp yang dipenuhi gemerutuk suara gigi karena kedinginan Potong memotong bahan makanan dan masak bersama dengan...

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Being Immortal
   Nothing lasts forever in this world, and no one will live forever. That’s true. But what about writing? Whats up with writing? There’s some saying, “ By writing you’ll become immortal.” Believe it or not you’ll become Immortal by writing, and I’m totally agree with this saying. People may live and die, but memories last, and one of them is the written one. Believing this saying and my wanting to keep memories alive, then I remember my past trips...

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Makrab ala – ala Trojan
                                                                              Setelah rebut dan terancam batal, makrab kelas 3O Pajak diadakan dengan peseerta yang lumayan 24 orang. Lumayan banyak yang ga ikut maksudnya hahahha. Ga apa lah, yang penting jadi udah gitu aja. Makrabnya rusuh parah, setiap yang tidur di perjalanan diteriaki pake Toa, tega ya, iya namanya juga kelas peak. Sampai di Puncak, setelah istirahat bentar games part 1 dimulai hahhaha yaampun ngakak lah ini siram – siraman, cebur – ceburan, gebleg banget ketawa ngakak.   Acara malam adalah...

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OJT dan Temanggung
    OJT adalah On Job Training CPNS Kemenkeu yang kami jalani sejak November sampai Maret sebagai salah satu rangkaian pengangkatan CPNS ke PNS yang semoga penempatannya paling lama April dan rapelan segera turun hihii. Sebut saja kami pasukan 850, karena setiap bulannya hak yang kami terima sebut saja uang tunggu adalah sepersekian dari gaji CPNS. Berbicara tentang lokasi OJT yang ke semua instansi di Jakarta kecuali DJP yang diberi pilihan lokasi. Dan takdir membawaku pulang karena tempat OJT yang kudapat...

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