There always bright day after hard rain comes, seems true to be happened. It was few days ago when I take a ride with my father using his old motorcycle. It feels like I’m still daddy’s little daughter although I’m getting bit older now kekeke. A daughter’s bestfriend is her dad, so true. As for me having a dad like him is a good thing I should be grateful (although he’s a hard smoker that i hate, i do love him much). It’s nice taking a ride with dad after a long time, he used to pick me up after courses during highschool, getting wet under the rain and collapsed the next day. Oh, it’s been years and I’m already 23 now.
I think I should’ve spend more time with him before a man snatch me away from this family tree. And I should take care of both my parents while I still can. Sometimes we are too busy growing up, and forget that parents are growing old. And I don’t wanna have regret for caring less to them.
Love you xoxoxo,
from daughter with love