Hello Busy Sydney! (Australia Trip Part 2)

ย ย  Leaving Perth, now the next city is Sydney. Busy City in New South Wales but turn out to be most favourite place to stay during the trip. Here is the itinerary done for the trip :”>

Day 6


the famous Three Sisters

Second city to go, Sydney! Baru sejam sampaiudah bikin kesalahan, mungkin karena kelelahan dan masih jetlag setelah flight lewat tengah malam aku naik kereta dari airport langsung ke Museum Station T.T $16 AUD for just 20 minutes riding, jan kebangetan mahal. Tiba di Sydney hari Minggu dimana flat rate untuk bepergian kemana sajahanya $2.5 AUD, so let’s use the opportunity. Karena ndak mau rugi, setelah jalan sampai hostel dan naruh tas, pergi ke Blue Mountain adalah first thing to do. Lapar dan jetlag tapi resto dekat hostel banyaknya jualan babi, yasudah akhirnya pergi tanpa sarapan. Perjalanan 2.5 jam ke Blue Mountain cuma berbekal coklat pemberian Akak Nurul sukses terlaksana, plus trekking trekking jalur pendeknya. The second National Park to go ๐Ÿ˜€

Second city to go, Sydney! It’s only an hour and I made mistake already. Being too tired and jetlag I ride the train directly from airport to Museum Station T.T $16 AUD for just 20 minutes riding, pricey. Arrived in Sydney on Sunday when flat rate for one day trip everywhere is only 2,5 AUD, so lets use this opportunity. Dont wanna waste more, I put my bag then decided to go to Blue Mountain first thing to do. Hungry and jetlag but people selling pork everywhere near hostel so I just left without eating. 2,5 hours train riding to Blue Mountain with just bringing the chocholate Akak Nurul gave me sucesfully done, plus the short trekking. Second National park to go ๐Ÿ˜€




trekking along the path




Rencana melanjutkan perjalanan dengan ferry ke Milsons Point harus ditunda karena hujan deras. Rejekinya ketemu hujan lagi :” Setelah reda ke Paddy’s Market yang ternyata dekat kosan *ciyee kosan*, agenda hari ini masak dan memulai kehidupan sosial di hostel ini. Enaknya stay di hostel ini temen barunya seru banget! They are the best! Main Jenga dan segalanya berlangsung seru sebelum playing room ditutup pukul 11 malam. :”

Cancelling the ferry riding plan to Milsons point due to hard rain in the city. Its my turn to see you again dearest rain! After rain stopped I went to Paddys Market which is really close to my hostel, well cooking amd starting the social life in the hostel started today. I love staying in the hostel, my mates are funny and they are the best! Playing Jenga and such till 11 pm before the room being closed.


playing jenga

Day 7


blue beach mood

Pergi sendiri dan sakit itu resiko, udah kulitkebakar dan mulai ngelupas kaya ular ditambah diare duh peer banget ya. Untung sih bisa dihandle, jadi tidur lagi setelah Subuhan dimaafin ya. Todays agenda adalah coastal walk Bondi to Cooge beach, seharusnya memakan waktu sekitar 5 jam tapi aku memotong jalan karena sudah bosan jalan sendiri. Sepanjang jalan banyak pengunjung jogging, bawa keluarga, pasangan, anjing, atau sekedar surfing di Bondi, sementara ku sendiri. Gapapa deh yang penting hepi!

Traveling alone and get sick is the risk I have, get sunburned and my skin start to peel off plus hurting my stomach oh maigat. Luckily it could be handled so sleeping again after morning prayer is fine then. Todays agenda is coastal walk Bondi to Cooge beach supposed to rake time about five hours but I cut the route after boredom strikes me. Many people jogging along the way, with family, spouse, dogs or just surfing in Bondi while Im alone. Its fine as long as Im happy!


along the coastal walk



cook your own food

Setelah bosan coastal walk, kembali ke hostel masak dan lanjut keliling kota untuk mengejar sunset. People say one of the best spot for sunset in Sydney adalah di Mrs. Macquaires Point and it’s true! Cantik banget sunsetnya! Well going home and sleep more due to unwell body.

After getting bored of the coastal walk, I go back to the hostel cooking and continue for sunset hunting.ย People say one of the best spot for sunset in Sydney ย is in Mrs. Macquaires Point and it’s true! Lovely sunset! Well going home and sleep more due to unwell body.


city scape when it’s time for sunset


Day 8


say cheese

Agenda hari ini adalah ikut free tour Sydney setelah rutinitas pagi beres beres bed, mandi dan sarapan. I supposed to go with my hostelmate Dennis, but turned out we separated ways. Ternyata tour seperti ini tak cocok untukku yang susah diatur dan mudah bosan, mau nyusul ternyata lupa tukeran nomer hape *duh pea’ banget sih Nggik!*

Todays agenda is joining free tour Sydney after morning routines cleaning up the bed, showering and having breakfast.ย I supposed to go with my hostelmate Dennis, but turned out we separated ways.ย Turned out the tour wasnt suitable for easily get bored person like me, not going to go to chasing the guy since I forget to exchange numbers. *how stupid of me*


Opera House from Milsons Point

Akhirnya lagi lagi jalan sendiri setelah free tours nya berakhir di dekat Harbour Bridge, oke selanjutnya hari ini harus full jalan kaki. Sementara memanjat jembatannya ditunda dulu karena perut masih bermasalah dan perjalanan berlanjut sampai North Sydney ke Milsons Point to see another side of Opera House, Luna Park dan sekedar strolling around the north area.

Walking alone after the free tours ended near Harbour Bridge, well full time walking after this. I skipped the plan to climb the bridge due to the diarrhea I had and continued walking to North Sydney visiting Milsons Point to see another side of Opera House, Luna Park and just strolling around the north area.


my simple lunch

Lumayan kaki agak senut senut jalan seharian, makan siang tiga potong donat dan secangkir capuccino cukup mengenyangkan. Jalan pulang ke hostel setelah belanja ke Coles dekat kosan, masak dan charge hp untuk modal jalan malam ke Darling Harbour.

My legs were numb after whole day walking, eating three pieces of doughnut and a cup of capuccino for lunch already made me full. Walking home after shopping in Coles near hostel, cooking and charging ma phone for night walking to Darling Harbour.

Well Darling Harbour at night is really pretty !

Day 9

Last day in the city, baper banget mau pergi ditambah teman – teman kosan yang baik, lucu, cantik dan tampan masih stay lebih lama. Dua orang yang bed nya hadap hadapan check out hari ini, aku dan tebak aja sendiri hahaha. Agenda hari ini adalah beli oleh oleh ke Paddy’s Market yang pada akhirnya membuatku harus beli bagasi ekstra yang ga murah dan merepotkan, not ever gonna do this kind of thing again! Apalagi satu kresek belanjaan ada yang ketinggalan, pekok bianget. Hiks *kekep dompet sambil nangis*

Last day in the city, its really hard to go leaving these hostel buddies who were nice and cute but still stay longer. Two people in the bed that face each other check out today, me and just guess who hahaha. Todays agenda is to shop in Paddys Market that made me have to buy extra baggage and am not ever gonna do this kind of thing again! Plus one bag of the souvenirs I bought were left unattended in the shop, stupid me. Hiks *crying wallet*


Selain ke Paddy’s Market, Queen Victoria Building, Hyde Park dan hanya jalan kaki magabut adalah sisa hal yang bisa kulakukan. Kembali lagi ke hostel untuk ngecharge hape dan powerbank sebelum pergi plus foto bareng hostelmates are the things I did before really leave.

After Paddys Market, Queen Victoria Building , Hyde Park ย and walking around randomly is the rest I can do. Going back to hostel charging phone and powerbank before leaving the city plus taking pics with my hostelmates are the things I did before really leave.


nice building

90 menit sebelum jadwal keberangkatan kereta, aku sudah sampai di Central Station. Daripada ketinggalan mending nunggu kan? Sambil ngopi dan ngobrol bareng siapapun yang ditemui di stasiun, menunggu kereta datang ga kerasa lama. Dan di perjalanan kereta ini nemu temen sebangku yang seru dan juga solo trip. Plus satu temen ngobrol yang bisa Bahasa Indonesia sedikit sedikit. Sayangnya kereta ekonomi ini nggak punya colokan untuk charging, so better charge your gadgets before going.

90 minutes before the train departure, I already arrive in Central Station. Rather waiting than being left right? Enjoying the coffee and just talking to everybody I met at the station, waiting for the train isnt boring. And I met a nice new solo travelers who happened to sit beside me. Plus another friend who can speak few Indonesian. Sadly the train has no power outlet, so better charge your gadgets before going.


waiting for the train

Bye bye busy city, I’m leaving now, see you :””

Don’t forget to read these too :

