Borobudur Now and Then
   Last time I came to Borobudur was in the early of May when I attended Mbak Enggar wedding and it was gloomy rainy day. And now I came again the end of May with my “Prajab” pals. I’ve written a bit of my Borobudur trip before, but I’ll review it especially about the trip I have to Borobudur, both the early and end trip of May. In the early of May, I came all the way to attend a...

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Ketep Pass
       Sebagai orang Magelang (pinggiran), belum pernah ke Ketep Pass adalah aib. Untungnya aib itu sudah berlalu 2013 lalu. Minggu kemarin adalah kali keduaku berkunjung di gardu pandang itu. Ketep Pass yang dulu bukan yang sekarang. Jelas beda karena kali pertama aku kesini hanya bertujuh dan tak ada pengunjung lainnya di bulan puasa, kali kedua kemarin hampir semua sudutnya penuh sesak oleh bocah - bocah SMA yang ikut study tour. Mau nggak mau kami nyembul di antara gerombolan...

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Danau T€man Hidup
Namanya Danau Taman Hidup, tapi aku sengaja menyebutnya Danau Teman Hidup. Menemukan danau ini butuh berhari hari perjalanan dan camp, bukannya lebay tapi begitulah adanya. Konon katanya danau ini indah saat tak berselimut kabut seperti saat kami datangi. Di tempat ini rusa, monyet dan berbagai jenis binatang sering datang untuk minum, tapi tak kami temui sesuai harap Hanya suara monyet monyet berkelahi yang tak kami temui wujudnya di sana, kabut pun mulai turun ketika kami sampai. Sudah hampir enam bulan...

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Suroloyo, one fine day July 2014
Suroloyo when it's sunny Punakawan statue in the parking lot     Suroloyo hill, the highest part of Menoreh hills located in the border of Magelang and Kulonprogo has an outstanding view during dry season. Having high position in 1.100 meters above the sea, we could see the view of Borobudur from Suroloyo. It's also known as the intersection of the mountains surround Magelang, like Merbabu, Sindoro, Sumbing, and Merapi. It was July 2014 when I went there with these 4...

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Mount Andong, neighbourhood hiking
Three years ago was 2012 when we had such a happy camping in Andong mount, yepp IKMM program for spending the time together. I was the cooking and food in charge although I wasn’t in the mood of it. Novia and Wildan came pick me to go there bringing the rest of the food while the other cooking ingredients had been brought by the truck our people riding. Our semester break was really worth to have the camp thing and...

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Bali 7 years ago
   Remembering my trip to Bali 7 years ago, one of the thing I wanna fix. It wasn't as happy as I wish as I'm the immersion class member who rode the bus along with the social students, who aren't really into us. Hahaha being minority in the most noisy bus. It would be nice If I were one of them. Thinking bout that makes me wanna comeback to high school time and change my sains class into social ones....

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Sleeping with The Earth
the camp near Ranukumbolo Semeru last 2012, it looks like just neighbourhood moving in hahaha   our tent in fist pos of Argopuro last October preparing for food, things I love from camping    Why making yourself work hard to sleep outside in the open air? Why making yourself suffer to get the chance sleep in unpermanent place? Why do you keep doing those things? Those are the questions asked to us, some people called nature lover who love to...

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Sunday Funwalk
   Sunday morning, March 15th 2015 around my hometown, Grabag there's an event held by government bank, a fun walk. Thousands people join the event and take over the main road and caused traffiec jam. Hohoho sorry people    Walking around this sub-district in sunny day like this is really making my day. Plus, my body isn't in well condition. Taking a walk with bunch of people and see how beautiful the view this hometown has. We can see the...

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The Beauty of Posong
   First impression before coming to this place was uninteresting. But, I'm totally wrong after seeing the view in Posong. One day in around October 2014 me and my IKMM pals, having a great time touring to Posong, part of Temanggung regency. It's during my free time before divided to job training session. Posong is a nice place to visit, a relay station in Sindoro mountain foot. The refreshing air will calm you and the view of tobacco field is...

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The Happy Magelang FloweRun 2015
  Knowing this event will be held and already bought the tickets since December, our geng 533 is going to Magelang FloweRun today, February 8th 2015. I come along with my junior high friend, Ervi who has plan with her friend. Swasti is the earliest member to arrive, daebak 05.30 she’s already here hahaha. While the last to arrive are Temanggungers, Atri, Soniya and Restu. Already missed the first opening crowd full of throwing colour, we get in the line...

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