Around the age of 20's, the most crucial stage for us. Being in such transition from teen age to adult, it's a hard stage but we have to be there. In the age of 20's many important decision made and we have to be responsible of everything we're going to do. The so called maturity for us starting from this 20th age, gives many new experiences and surprises of the things we've never had before. 1. Being an essay...
I love rain :) When it’s raining people tend to be honest and willing to remember any of those painful yet the thing they miss the most. Same as mine, I get that kind of resounding memory syndrome too. The thing is, I write down all the things that come in mind without filtering them during this resound rain writing. I put the earphone in left ear while the right ear can hear those calm sound of raining outside. And...
Taun lalu,masih jelas keinget rasanya jadi satu dari 39 siswa diklat yang ikut diklap kami ke Gunung Kencana.Dengar suara senior yang itu masih terngiang ngiang,bahkan saat kamu dicelup hahaha Rasanya udah kek mau mati lah,sebut saja karena kami "berolahraga" latihan fisik dan mental. Sebagai siswa,melihat,mendengar bahkan mengetahui kehadiran senior saja rasanya beban,ga kebayang seri yang akan diberikan. Tanggal 22 malam kami menempuh perjalanan,sampai di Bogor tanggal 23 dinihari.Ada " sesi penyambutan" sebut saja begitu,pencelupan dan sebagainya. 39 siswa dengan carier...