the mess in the trip
Day 8, Friday April 20th 2018
Sonam mengantarkan kami ke bandara pagi pagi karena jadwal penerbangan yang sudah mepet. Eh pas pisahan trolley kami terjun bebas untung ga nabrak mobil tetangga, eh Wildan sama Mas Try ga dibolehin masuk karena nda ada screenshot tiketnya. Untungnya bapak petugas mendengarkan alasanku kalau mereka satu rombongan denganku. Finally we are getting in. Pemeriksaan di Leh lebih ketat daripada di wilayah India selatan, mungkin karena perbatasan kali ya. Kami pun harap harap cemas karena ternyata semua makanan harus dibagasikan dan pesawatnya delay. Ya Lord.
Sonam drove us back to the airport early in the morning since we’re getting late. When we’re too busy saying goodbye our trolley falls off the track luckily it didn’t hit the car. Wildan and Mas Try aren’ t allowed to enter since they have no screenshot of the tickets. Luckily the police let me enter along with them since we’re the same group. Finally we’re getting in. The examination in Leh is being more strict than in South, maybe since it’s border area. We worried more since the foods should be in the non carry on luggage and our flight got delayed. Ya Lord.

us with Sonam
Sepanjang perjalanan ngobrol ga berhenti berhenti sama Mas Bayu dan sadar sadar kami tiba – tiba mendarat di Srinagar. Ndagel tenan! Padahal kami beli flight direct ke Delhi, eh ditransitin dong. Wassalam lah kalau sampai kami ketinggalan flight selanjutnya ke Jaipur. Udah deg- degan, sampai Delhi kami langsung ambil bagasi dan buru buru ngejar pesawat. Sempet lho ada yang ngasih masker padahal wek udah ngga mikir muka terpapar polusi ini. Ahaha punya temen trip baek amat thank you~ And finally we miss the flight after those lari larian thing, yanasib yang ditakutkan terjadi juga. Sadis amat, dan trip kami berantakan setelahnya. Ampas ya :”
When I talked much during the flight with Mas Bayu and realized it later when we suddenly landed in Srinagar. What a joke! We bought the direct flight to Delhi, but there’s sudden transit. Wassalam we missed the flight to Jaipur. Worry and worry about the flight, once arriving in Delhi, we took the baggage and running to catch the flight. Somebody gave me the mask, even I didnt even think of covering my face. Ahaha thank you~ And finally we missed the flight even after those run. What a messy trip, it sucks and everything get ruined. Sad ya :”

suddenly landed in Srinagar :”
Stranded di bandara bersama rombongan turis Thailand, setelah usaha sana sini Wildan dan Mas Bayu cari alternatif diputuskanlah kami beli tiket baru. Nyesek shay! Akhirnya kami hanya berempat yang akan lanjut ke Jaipur, aku, Wildan, Masbay, Mastry sementara Mas Joe dan istri stay di Delhi. Karena lapar dan memang sudah nasib ketinggalan pesawat, meet up dan kumpul lah kami dengan Mbak Anis, Mbak Kara dan Mas Bandung yang sudah nongkrong di McD duluan. Well, isi tenaga dulu sebelum menghabiskan sisa sore hingga malam ini dan pagi besoknya di kota ini.
Stranded in the airport along with the Thailand tourists, after showing some effort Wildan and Mas Bayu tried to find solutions we bought the new ticket. Sad! Four of us go to Jaipur, me, Wildan, Masbay and Mastry while Mas Joe and his wife stay in Delhi. Since we’re starving and having badluck, meeting up and gathering again as the whole group with Mbak Anis, Mbak Kara, Mas Bandung who arrived and ate in McD first. Well, gaining some energy to spend the rest of today and tomorrow morning in the city.

with these kind boys
Selagi bisa keluar dari bandara kami berlima aku, Wildan, Mas Bayu, Mbak Anis dan Mbak Kara menuju Askardham untuk menonton pertunjukan musical. Ternyata semua barang kami harus dititip kan tanpa terkecuali, waduh khawatir dong bawa kamera dan semuanya kalau dititip. Akhirnya Mbak Anis dan Mbak Kara masuk, sementara aku bersama dua yang lain ngeteh ngeteh di kedai. I’d prefer enjoy my chai than worrying my things If I go inside. Sampai kedai tutup dan malam kami masih duduk di sana, yang dua ngobrol terus sampe dinyamukin satunya muter muter nyari bahan foto. Oh well dan ketika pulang kami ketemu dua dedek dedek India nan baik hati yang mengantar kami sampai metro station. And its hard to say goodbye to my roommates, bye sista sista :”
While we could go, five of us heading our way to Askardham, me, Wildan, Masbay, Mbak Anis, and Mbak Kara ride the uber to watch the musical. We should put all of our belongings to the locker corner well I don’t want it and so do the two guys. Mbak Anis and Mbak Kara getting in while the three persons stay and drink chai. I’d prefer enjoy my chai than worrying my things If I go inside. Till the foodstall closed and it’s getting late, me and one of the boys talked much and the other go around to catch some photos. Oh well when we go home there are two kind Indian boys who drop us to the metro station. Hard to say goodbye to my roommates, bye sista sista :”

ride the Delhi Metro

this beauty Askardham where we’re not allowed to take pic, by : thrillophillia
Balik ke airport bertiga sementara Wildan sudah membawa carriernya karena ga mau nginap di bandara. Oke baiklah, cukup tau aja hmm. Tapi akhirnya kami bertiga mencari tempat untuk sekedar naruh punggung dan mandi, merem cuma dua jam kali ya. Well not so good sleep though but better than not sleeping. Sementara Mas Try masih bareng dengan Mas Joe dan Kak Fiji di bandara. Kami naik Uber menuju penginapan~
Three of us go back to airport while Wildan has bring his carrier to sleep in somewhere place while we’re gonna sleep in the airport. But at the end I join and three of us sleep somewhere in city center, just for laying down and taking a bath and two hours sleeping. Well not so good sleep though but better than not sleeping. While Mas Try stay with Mas Joe and Kak Fiji in the airport. We ride Uber to the hotel.
to be continued…
NGAKAK SO HARD pas baca bagian “hmmm cukup tau aja”. hahaha
cuks tau ya nggi
kesel sekesel keselnya Mas waktu itu mah, lha menurutnya aku bakal ditinggal ngono padahal kami pada ga bawa barang -___-