Weekend di bulan Oktober, kondangan pertama banget bareng temen kantor, cuaca panas dan bikin males, ditambah kami kondangan motoran dengan baju cantik ala kondangan hahaha. Happy wedding mr. and mrs. Gigih! Overall konsep pernikahannya baguuuus dan ga terlalu rame karena kami datang awal hehehe
Weekend in October, my very first kondangan with office mates on such a sunny day is tiring, plus we ride motorcycle coming to the venue wearing those pretty clothes hahaha. Happy wedding mr. and mrs. Gigih! Overall the concept of this wedding is good and it’s not too crowded since we came earlier hehehe
Lupakan Sabtu yang diisi kondangan aja, Minggu ini wajib hukumnya mengeksplor tempat yang belum pernah kami kunjuungi . Setelah rebut mau ke Bangkirai dengan canopy bridge nya, Pusat Buaya Teritip, dan Enklosur Beruang Madu di kilo 23 akhirnya kami memilih Enklosur Beruang Madu di kilo. Yeaay, visit Winnie the Poohnya Balikpapan xD
Forget about Saturday only attend a wedding, this Sunday we have to explore a place we’ve never been. Arguing for wanting to go to Bangkirai with its canopy bridge, Teritip Crocodile Center, and “Enklosur Beruang Madu” in kilo 23 finally we decide to go to Enklosur Beruang Madu in kilo. Yeaaay, we’re visiting Winnie the Pooh of Balikpapan xD!
Ada mobil nganggur untuk jalan jalan hari ini, awalnya garing tapi akhirnya seru juga sih. Panas – panasan kami pergi dengan mood yang marut – marut dan perut kosong. Kami ngemil sepanjang jalan, lupa kalau belum makan siang. Menunggu gate dibuka setengah jam lamanya, kami jalan – jalan ke pusat informasi dan nemu banyak informasi penting tentang beruang madu. Tempat ini cukup informative, butuh perhatian ekstra, berdebu dan kering berjalan di sekitar sini.
There’s a free car we can use to go out today, it’s a bit creepy but turns out to be funny at the end. We go out in sunny day with our broken mood and empty stomach. We have snacks and forget that we haven’t eaten yet. Wait for about thirty minutes before the gate open, walk around the information center and find useful information about those bears. The place is quiet informative but it needed to be taken care more I think, dusty and dry to walk around here.
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the forest before human expansion |
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after the land exploitation humans did 🙁 |
Gerbang dibuka jam 3 sore, waktunya memberi makan beruang madu. Kami berjalan dalam antrian untuk melihat langsung mereka makan, tidak berisik sepanjang jalan, dan memotret mereka, aah so cute xD Bahagiaanyaa bisa melihat beruang beruang madu itu pada kunjungan pertama ke tempat ini. Keluar di Minggu siang pun tak sia – sia akhirnya ~
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look at them! |
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ginuk ginuk lucu |
The gate opened at 3 pm, time for feeding the honey bears. We walk in line to go seeing them eating, shut our mouth up and take pictures of them, so cute xD Happy that I could see them in my first time visiting the place. It’s worth to go out in sunny day finally ~
Mengakhiri Minggu ini di pantai berburu sunset, tapi perut tak bisa bohong. Kami jajan di Lapangan Merdeka dan nongkrong sekitar setengah jammelihat sunset yang blawur. Sunsetnya ketutupan awan hfft. Pindah ke Kedai Sabindo karena perut lapar dan sudah terlanjur mual, tapi akhirnya badan gatal karena alergi udang. Bye bye Sunday, menyenangkan weekend gak ngendon di kamar kosan. Good mood banget sebelum Senin datang.
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Kemala beach without sunset |
Going to end this Sunday at the beach seeing the sunset, but our stomach can’t lie. We eat “jajanan” at Lapangan Merdeka and spend about our half hour seeing the broken sunset. It’s covered by the cloud hff. Move our destination to Kedai Sabindo to cure the hunger but then I get my body itchy after eating there. Bye bye Sunday, it’s nice not to spend time only at my small room. It’s a good mood before the coming of Monday ~
Anggi R. Dewi